Key Stage 4 Options
Choosing Key Stage 4 Options
Year 9 students choose their options by following the steps below:
- Read the options booklet
- Watch the subject information videos
- Ask questions and discuss the options
- Complete and submit the options form (deadline to be confirmed)
Read on for more information...
Read the Options Booklet
Year 9 students received a copy of the options booklet on Wednesday 15 January. These booklets give them information about the subjects available for study in Years 10 and 11, the options process and where to go for advice.
The options booklet is also available to read here:
Watch the subject information videos
Subject information videos will be updated on Monday 13 January.
These videos will give you more detail about the subjects available for study in Years 10 and 11. Students can use them, together with information they receive in assemblies and in class to guide their choices.
art and design (fine art)
computer science
Creative imedia
dance (physical education)
Food Preparation and Nutrition
health and social care
languages (french and spanish)
photographic communication
physical education
religious studies
Science - combined (trilogy)
science (triple)
sport studies
Ask questions and discuss the options
The answers to frequently asked questions are given below.
What are the key dates in the process?
- Throughout January: subjects advertised in lessons, in-school guidance.
- Monday 13 January: options information available at
- Wednesday 15 January: options assembly for students.
- Wednesday 15 January: options booklets distributed to students.
- Wednesday 15 January: options form distributed to students (either a blue, pink, yellow, or yellow plus version depending on the pathway they are following).
- Thursday 30 January: Year 9 parents' and options evening.
- Friday 14 February: options forms to be handed in to form tutors.
- June/July: students notified of options decisions.
- September: students start their key stage 4 courses.
Who will offer advice to students in school?
Students can:
- Ask their form tutor for advice.
- Talk to individual subject teachers, whose names are given in the options booklet.
- Speak to the Careers Team in the careers office at the back of the Library.
- Speak to any member of the School Leadership Team.
What careers information is available for students?
Students can:
- Speak to the Careers Team in the careers office at the back of the Library.
- Visit
What is the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)?
Students may wish to study a suite of qualifications called the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) – namely GCSEs in English, maths, science, a language and a humanity (either history or geography).
The EBacc is the name given to a collection of subjects which is known to open up the widest range of post-16 routes. It is a preferred combination of subjects for many universities and promotes a well-rounded education.
What are BTEC, OCR, WJEC and Technical Award qualifications?
BTEC, OCR, WJEC & Technical Awards are nationally recognised Applied Learning qualifications which are recognised by employers, further education institutions and universities. These applied learning courses are vocationally based qualifications that relate to the world of work. They are Level 1/Level 2 qualifications and are equivalent to one GCSE. Much of the work covered in BTEC, OCR, WJEC and Technical Award learning is assessed internally on a modular basis.
Should you have any questions about the options process this year, please don't hesitate to get in touch at or on 0114 248 5221.
Submit the options form
The hard copy options form has been given to Year 9 students.
This should be completed and returned to form tutors by Friday 14 February 2025.