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Ofsted inspection

Westfield School inspected by Ofsted on 19 and 20 April 2023. 

Our overall effectiveness was judged to be ‘Requires improvement’.

We are pleased that many aspects of Westfield School of which we are proud have been highlighted by the inspection.These include:

  • We are ambitious for our students. Westfield students have opportunities to take part in the wide range of extracurricular activities that form part of our school life, and to develop leadership skills.
  • Students are safe. Inspectors found that “pupils feel and are kept safe in school.”  In addition, even though most of our students “do not feel that bullying is an issue at the school”, any incidents are dealt with effectively by knowledgeable leaders and well-trained staff.
  • Behaviour in lessons is good.  Learning is rarely disrupted in lessons, with most students behaving well.
  • Broad and balanced curriculum. At Westfield School, a wide range of subjects in all year groups is taught by teachers with strong subject knowledge.

Westfield school has developed significantly since we were last inspected in 2017, prior to us joining Chorus Education Trust. This inspection has helped us to further sharpen our priorities to help us keep improving our school:

  1. We will work together to ensure our curriculum is equally well-designed across all subjects. From this we will be able to share clear plans for teachers, students and parents/carers to clearly understand the important knowledge students need to have learned as they progress through school. This will help students to learn and remember more over time.
  2. We will implement systems and a curriculum to ensure all students meet our high expectations, particularly outside of the classroom on corridors and at social times. We have designed very clear expectations of students – The Westfield Way – and will develop simple, fair approaches to ensuring behaviour is respectful and calm everywhere in school. We will teach our students these expectations.
  3. Linked to the above, we will further develop our Personal Development curriculum to ensure all students are taught how to be respectful, safe and successful, in and out of school. We will make better use of Personal Development Time (form time), assemblies and Personal Development lessons to teach these traits. We will celebrate those students who are consistently ready to learn, respectful and safe.
  4. All leaders in the school will rigorously check the impact of their work, to ensure everything we do helps to make our school a more successful, respectful, safe and happy place. We will continue to regularly seek the views of students and parents/carers when assessing whether our work is improving our school.


It has been rightly identified that we are ambitious for our students.  We are similarly ambitious for Westfield School.  We see a bright future and have lost no time in acting on the advice and suggestions received that will underpin our journey towards becoming the excellent school our students and community deserve.

The full report will be available on the Ofsted website and is also available to download below.

Please do contact us at if you have any queries.

Parent View

Ofsted Parent View is a website where you can tell Ofsted what you think of your child's school, including:

  • How happy your child is at the school.
  • How the school manages bullying or challenging behaviour.
  • If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) you will be asked how well the school support them.

The questionnaire can be completed at any time - you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. 

You can find out more at the Parent View website.