This course is only available in Years 10 and 11 as part of the options process.
If you have any questions please contact Mr Francis or Miss Fletcher in the PE faculty.
Head of PE: Mrs Palethorpe
title of qualification
BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Performing Arts (Dance Approach)
exam board
Pearson Edexcel
what will i learn?
Component 1
· Explore and participate in workshops and classes developing knowledge and understanding of the interrelationships between processes, techniques and approaches that contribute to performance repertoire.
· Examine live and recorded performances to develop your understanding of practitioners’ work dance and musical theatre, with reference to influences, outcomes, and purpose.
· Gain a practical appreciation of practitioners’ work in using existing performance material in a variety of dance styles and how they may respond to a particular theme or issue and communicate ideas to the audience through stylistic qualities.
Component 2
· Develop your performing arts skills and techniques through the reproduction of professional dance repertoire.
Component 3
· Have an opportunity to work as part of a group to contribute to a workshop performance as either a performer or designer in response to a given brief and stimulus.
· Gain transferable skills and confidence that will help you in the world today and prepare you for your future.
· Build applied knowledge and skills that show an aptitude for further learning, in the sector and more widely.
how will this course be assessed?
Non-examined assessment
· Component 1: Exploring the performing arts, 36 guided learning hours (12 supervised hours), 30%
· Component 2: Developing skills and techniques in the performing arts, 36 guided learning hours (15 supervised hours), 30%
· Component 3: Responding to a brief, 48 guided learning hours (3 hours under exam conditions), 40%
what skills do i need?
· Experience in at least one dance style.
· You will be performing your pieces of choreography to an audience.
· A passion for dance and different styles.
· Good literacy and ICT skills; component 1 is predominantly theory based with much written and coursework.
· Able to work independently on personal development whether practically or in theory.
· Work in a team supporting and collaborating.
· Good communication (listening, oral and written).
· An understanding of dance and creating choreography.
what is next for me after this course?
Students can progress from this qualification to:
· Vocational courses such as the BTEC performing arts.
· Apprenticeships and other training.
· Employment in a related sector.
For more information about the curriculum at Westfield, please contact