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GCSE Religious Studies

Title of qualification

GCSE Religious Studies


Exam Board



What will I learn?

The course has two key papers:

Paper 1: The study of Religions – Beliefs, teachings and practices.

In this unit you will study two religions in detail. The religions we focus on are Christianity and Islam. For each religion you will examine:

  • Key beliefs –Nature of God, creation, afterlife & the key figures within that faith.
  • Practices – Worship and festivals, forms of worship, importance of prayer.

Paper 2: Thematic studies (Moral issues)
In this unit you will study four topics from the following:

  • Relationships and Families – Family life, contraception, marriage and divorce.
  • Religion and Life – Animal rights, abortion, creation.
  • Religion, Peace and Conflict – war and religious attitudes to war.
  • Religion Crime and Punishment – Religious attitudes to crime and punishments including the death penalty.
  • Religion and Human Rights.
  • The Existence of God – Examining the key arguments for and against God’s existence and his revelation to mankind.

You will gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture.  You will develop analytical and critical thinking skills, the ability to work with abstract ideas, leadership and research skills.  All these skills will help prepare you for further post-16 study and the wider world around you.


How will this course be assessed?


· Paper 1: The study of religions— beliefs, teachings and practices (1 hour 45 mins, 50%)

· Paper 2: Thematic studies, (1 hr 45 mins, 50%)


What skills do I need?

  • Literacy – the ability to read and write fluently.
  • Listening skills.
  • The ability to engage in group activity.
  • Oracy – the ability to discuss different opinions and values.
  • Presentational skills (spoken and written).


What is next for me after this course?

As a result of developing key analytical and critical thinking skills, a GCSE in religious studies could lead to further post-16 study in this area and potential careers in: law, nursing, politics, journalism, teaching, youth work, social work and the civil service.


Are there any restrictions with this course?

The course is open to all students. Please note the course has a heavy literacy content with extensive reading around the topic.


Year 10 curriculum


Year 11 curriculum:

