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Our Curriculum Intent:

Our Modern Foreign Languages faculty share our school's commitment to implementing a curriculum that:

  • Is ambitious for every student
  • Develops students' social and cultural capital 
  • Supports ambitious next steps

To ensure this happens our aim is for:

  • Our students to become skilled linguists, who have a broad understanding and a respect for languages in a global context
  • Our students to follow a sequence of learning with a variety of engaging cultural elements to develop cultural capital and generate an interest in other cultures and one that is structured to introduce and embed new vocabulary and grammar.  
  • Our students Lessons to access regular opportunities in lessons to reinforce and revisit prior learning, in order to develop as resilient and confident linguists.  

More information about the content and sequencing of our Modern Foreign Languages curriculum can be found below and via the links on this page. 



For more information about the curriculum at Westfield, please contact