Health & Social Care
This course is only available in Years 10 and 11 as part of the options process.
If you have any questions please contact the staff in the technology and ICT faculty.
Head of Technology and ICT: Mr Hirst
Title of qualification
Level 1 / Level 2 BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care
Exam Board
Pearson Edexcel
What will I learn?
You will learn about how we grow and develop across the six key stages of life. You will learn about how our physical, intellectual, emotional and social (PIES) development, changes across these life stages and how they can be impacted by positive and negative factors, such as poor diet, illness and disease. You will also learn about how life events can impact upon our PIES development and how individuals can adapt or be supported through changes caused by life events.
You will as learn about the range of services provided in health and social care, and be able to identify appropriate services for individuals with different needs. You will also be able to identify the barriers and obstacles some individuals may encounter when trying to access support, or when they are trying to improve their health and wellbeing. You will be also able to identify the impact of these obstacles and barriers and be able to recommend ways to overcome them.
You will also learn about how an individual’s lifestyle choices can determine their physical health and make recommendations and actions for them to improve their health and wellbeing. Finally, you will learn about the skills, attributes and values required to work in health and social care and how these benefit the service users.
How will this course be assessed?
· Component 3: Health and wellbeing (2 hours, 33%)
Non-examined assessment
· Component 1: Human lifespan development (36 guided learning hours, 33%)
· Component 2: Health and social care services and values (36 guided learning hours, 33%)
What skills do I need?
· An interest in how humans grow and develop across our lives, and how the health and social care industry supports us.
· An enquiring mind and want to research and solve problems.
· The ability to write reports with fluency and good literacy.
· The ability to work well independently and as part of a team.
· Good time management and be able to stick to strict coursework deadlines.
What is next for me after this course?
The course can lead onto a range of further opportunities for qualifications in health and social care such as BTEC level 3 health and social care. It can also lead to further vocational (NVQ) and higher education qualifications in education, child and adult care, learning support, charitable work and nursing, as well as apprenticeships and careers in the health and social care industry.
Are there any restrictions with this course?
It is an optional qualification however we believe that due to the high amount of written work included a good level of literacy skills are required. High attendance for controlled assessment is essential.
For more information about the curriculum at Westfield, please contact