Headteacher's update 26
Published on 02/06/20
Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you and your families are well. Thank for continuing to check Weduc for the remote learning set by your child’s teachers.
Enhancing Remote Learning
Further to my message to you before half-term, in response to our recent student survey that was conducted with Year 10 students and parents, we have begun the process of training our staff to use Microsoft Teams as a platform to make the remote learning they set more interactive and to enable a dialogue between teachers and students to support students in their work. We will provide further detail on how we will use Teams once we have progressed further with training our staff.
Please continue to check Weduc this week for further updates, in particular with regard to our plans to begin offering fare-to-face support to Year 10 students in line with recent changes to government guidance.
Thank you for your continued support.
Take care,
Joe Birkbeck
Head of Westfield School