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Newsletter, 21st January 2024

Published on 21/01/24

Good afternoon,

I hope that you and your family are well. Our busy start to 2024 continues here at Westfield School. In this week’s newsletter we look back on exciting music workshops and bouldering trips and look forward to Year 10 mocks and Year 9 parents’ evening next week.

Year 10 Mock Exams

Students in Year 10 have spent the first two weeks of term gearing up for mock exams, which begin tomorrow and continue into the beginning of the following week. Each student has been issued with an individual timetable and many of them will sit two exams each day. Our Year 10s have made a very positive start to the academic year, and engaged brilliantly in an assembly this week that taught them the expectations of them in formal exams. We are confident that they will show a positive attitude in their exams, take the opportunity to demonstrate the progress they are making, and learn a lot from the process and feedback they receive.

Year 9 Parents’ Evening

It is great to see that so many families of our Year 9 students have booked to attend parents’ evening on Thursday 1st February. This will not only provide an important opportunity to discuss with teachers the progress that students are making in class, but will also be crucial in finding out information about the wide range of subjects students may opt to study as they move into Year 10. Lots of our current Year 10 and Year 11 students have volunteered to attend the event to give a students’ perspective to Year 9s and their families about the courses on offer in Key Stage 4. Booking remains open.

Samba Workshop


On Friday, Year 9 students enjoyed a Samba drumming workshop led by percussionist Joe Green from Sheffield Music Hub. They learned about the different instruments found in a Samba band and the tradition of carnivals in Brazil. Each student had a go at the various Samba instruments. They worked hard to grasp the complex rhythms and different layers found in this style of music and enjoyed the challenge of learning and performing a Samba groove. Ranging from rhythm breaks and solos to whole-band performing, students were a credit to our school, approaching the session with an outstanding attitude to learning and enthusiasm.

Sheffield Schools Bouldering Competition

Well done to the group of Year 7 and Year 8 students who took part in the Sheffield Schools bouldering competition on Thursday. The students received professional coaching and had to climb up to the top ‘hold’ without falling off or touching any other colours to complete each route and score top points. Mr Lucas was proud of the efforts of Beau, Lily, Poppy, Grace, Jamie, Charlie, Ruben, Josh, Rio, Riley and Seth. And we are hopeful that Grace and Riley may have done enough to qualify for the finals!

Enrichment Timetable

We have updated our timetable of enrichment activities that take place before and after school. Please visit our website here to see the updated timetable. We look forward to welcoming students to our wide range of activities – it is never too late to try!

With many thanks for your excellent ongoing support.

Joe Birkbeck

Head of Westfield School