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Newsletter, 19 July 2024

Published on 22/07/24

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you are looking forward to the summer break and to spending time together with your family. If you need to contact us during the holidays, please use the email which will be monitored each week.

The team will be writing to you separately with reminders about uniform and expectations of behaviour. We need your support to create a safe, respectful environment in school so please do take some time to talk to your young person about the importance of following our rules. We are a community and being part of that community means agreeing to uphold those rules as we all do in society.

Our non-uniform day has raised £560.80 so far – thank you everyone. This will be split equally between our student rewards programme and a local charity of choice chosen by our student leaders’ group.

This week we held our annual celebration evening. This evening is our opportunity to celebrate students who have excelled over the past year. This could be achievement within a particular subject area, exceptional sporting accomplishments or overcoming personal barriers. Over one hundred students received awards. During the evening, we enjoyed performances from our dance groups and musical performances, including an extract from 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by one of our drama students. On display was a range of work from art and photography students. During the evening, we heard from two former students who both spoke to our young people about their experience at Westfield and how it has paved the way to achieve incredible things post 16. Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended and of course to all our award winners. It was also an opportunity to say a farewell to Joe Birbeck the outgoing headteacher. Thank you, Joe, for your commitment to the children and young people of Westfield School. I am honoured to be taking over.

Our return to school is Wednesday 4 September 2024 for Year 7 and Year 11 only. All other students will join us on Thursday 5 September 2024.

A reminder that we are starting at 8.20am from September; the school day will end at 2.50pm. The school bus will leave school at 2.58pm each day so children will need to make sure that they make their way to the bus on time. Staff will be around at the end of the day to support. All the usual activities will take place in the morning before school including the library for support with homework, and PE clubs.

If you have any safeguarding concerns in the holidays, please visit the safeguarding page where you can find all the relevant details. If you feel a young person is at immediate risk of harm, please contact the police on 999.

Kind regards

Gaynor Jones